Saint Mary’s Outreach & Ministries

The last two promises of the Baptismal Covenant form the heart of our ministries at St. Mary’s by-the-Sea. All our ministries are very important to our members for the fellowship each provides and for multiple opportunities to connect our faith to the world around us as we engage in both the local and global communities.
As each worship service ends, we are sent forth to “love and serve the Lord”. We have a diverse menu of ministries listed below that strengthen our congregation’s life and help us participate in God’s mission outside our walls in loving and serving the Lord.
Community Outreach
Mary's Table
St. Gregory's Pantry
Joan Valentine House
Seaman's Church Institute
Saint Mary’s Ministries
Saint Mary's Choir
Altar Guild
Worship Leaders
St. Mary's Society
Eucharistic Ministers
Environmental Stewardship Ministry
Media Ministry
Collection Counters

Whether it’s preparing or serving dinner at Mary’s Table, committing to caring for God’s creation, knitting hats and scarves for those at sea, working in the soup kitchen, supporting transitional families with housing, food and companionship, providing beautiful music, supporting our sick and challenged, reading liturgy during the church service, assisting our priest, or providing food and sustenance, we at St. Mary’s actively seek to offer our gifts to those in need.
We invite you to join us in our ministries of love and service at