Join us for worship
Worship Schedule
Sunday Morning: 8 AM & 10 AM
St. Mary’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church is an inclusive community of Christians who regularly come together to worship God, reach out to neighbors, and support one another. Everyone is welcome. On Sundays at 8:00 a.m., there is a Service of Holy Eucharist; on Sundays at 10:00 a.m., there is a Service of Holy Eucharist with the choir. Sunday School for elementary-age children is offered during the 10 am. service.
St. Mary's Worship Style
All worship in the Episcopal Church is based on the Book of Common Prayer, familiar to Episcopalians no matter where they go. There are many different styles in which Episcopalians worship; from very formal liturgies that feature organ and choral music, to very informal spoken styles with a solemn feel and without music. At St. Mary’s, one can experience a broad spectrum of worship styles.
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Come Worship
Regular Sunday Services are held at St. Mary’s by the Sea at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Worshippers at the 8:00 a.m. Service use Rite I from the Book of Common Prayer. The service is contemplative and reverent with primarily adults, each Sunday. Music is not included as part of this service.
The 10:00 a.m. family service is a Choral Eucharist, using Rite II. The organist, choir, and acolytes actively participate in this service. Always uplifting, and often lively, this service is attended by a mix of adults and children worshippers each week.
Resources for Home Worship and Study:
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Communion to those who are not able to get to church for extended periods of time due to illness or mobility issues. We are grateful to Robin Henry for stepping forward to co-ordinate this vital parish ministry. If you know of someone who needs home, hospital, rehab, or nursing home visits, please let us know. If you would like to be trained to participate in this beautiful ministry, please contact Robin
Prayer Book Requests
Parishioners who worship from home may like to borrow a Book of Common Prayer and/or the printed service bulletin for the 10 o’clock service. The BCP and service bulletins are available for pickup in the Jones Room. If you can’t get here to pickup, please contact Cherisse and we will arrange for delivery to your home.
Video Sermon and Service Archive.
Past sermons and services available for viewing by clicking the link to the right.
The latest edition of the Forward Day by Day is now available at the back of the church. If you would like a copy mailed home to you please
respond by email. If you had them mailed to you last year, they will be mailed to you this year.
The Book of Common Prayer on line
Click below to find the Readings and Gospel for the week