Saint Mary’s

Serving Since 1873

We seek to serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves.  St. Mary’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church offers its physical plant for everything from yoga classes to Twelve-Step Programs.  We are known for being the home of St. Gregory’s Pantry, the local food bank, and Mary’s Table, the Thursday evening place for dinner and companionship.  Both of these outreach programs welcome those in need, as well as those who want to serve.  We participate in Inter-Faith Hospitality Network, the Saturday Soup Kitchen at Trinity Episcopal in Asbury Park as well as environmental teaching and learning opportunities through our own Environmental Stewardship Ministry.  We see our ‘neighbors’ in ever-widening but concentric circles from parishioners to the community, diocese, and the entire world.  As our church sign proclaims—Sunday Services at 8 and 10 o’clock, All are Welcome.  And we really mean it.


 Saint Mary’s in Action